BOLT⚡ Raid Commands

General User Commands

Permissions for General User Commands [RAID-2-EARN]

For general users you will want to set these commands listed above to have the permissions appear in the following format. General users can be limited to only holders however if your project is pre-mint, it is recommended to allow verified members to access these commands. When the commands above have been used by an individual, they are only visible to those that used the command.

  1. Select Server Settings.

  2. Navigate to Integrations under APPS (subsection).

  3. Select BOLT from the list of Bots and Apps in the project's Discord server.

  4. Add relevant ROLES AND MEMBERS that will be handling the General User Commands above.

  5. Add relevant CHANNELS that these commands can be used in.

  6. Congratulations! Your holders or members can use these commands in the appropriate channels.

Administrator Commands

Features: View current Reward Point allocations for each type of raiding action • Configure reward points for users per type of action completed by pressing the Reward Points button. Options: [N/A] Configurable options include: • Likes • Replies / Comments • Retweets

Permissions for Administrator Commands [RAID-2-EARN]

If you're a server administrator, you will want to set these commands listed above to have the permissions appear in the following format. Collaboration managers or high-level Discord administrators should be the only users that have access to initiate these commands. The permissions should also be set-up to be used in server channels where your project finds it to be most appropriate to use these commands. For raid-related commands, these should be put in a dedicated raid channel so your holders or users can claim their entries for completing the raid tasks without losing it in a chat that moves dynamically, such as a general chat channel.

  1. Select Server Settings.

  2. Navigate to Integrations under APPS (subsection).

  3. Select BOLT from the list of Bots and Apps in the project's Discord server.

  4. Add relevant ROLES AND MEMBERS that will be handling the Administrator Commands above.

  5. Add relevant CHANNELS that these commands can be used in.

  6. Congratulations! You can use these Administrator Commands in the appropriate channels.

Last updated